
Your task is not to seek for love, but merely to seek and find all the barriers within yourself that you have built against it. Let go for all that not belong to us away.
Jalal ad-Din Rumi
就在今天,我釋放所有的憤怒。 Just for today, I will let go of anger.
就在今天,我釋放所有的焦慮。 Just for today, I will let go of worry.
就在今天,我釋放所有的悲傷。 Just for today, I will let go of depressed.
就在今天,我釋放所有的忌妒。 Just for today, I will let go of jealousy.
就在今天,我釋放所有的痛苦。 Just for today, I will let go of suffering.
就在今天,我燃起光明的希望。 Just for today, I will kindle a brightly hope.
就在今天,我表達生命的感激。 Just for today, I will express gratitude to life.
就在今天,我面對自己的真實。 Just for today, I will integrity to myself.
就在今天,我給出無數的祝福。 Just for today, I will count innumerable blessings.
就在今天,我活出生命的喜悅。 Just for today, I will live eternal life of joy.