
The ego loves the outer path. It's deceptive in it's workings by distracting our focus from our own "inner path" of salvation to the outer path of projection. The ego loves to focus on what others are doing and is full of rigid opinions and beliefs based on the duality of right and wrong.
The ego has a limited belief system and loves to control, shame and belittle others with egoic dogma and man made rules, all the while, building itself up so it can feel better. But the ego never feels better ~ it must be fed ~ it has an insatiable appetite to control, pass judgment and keep you away from your higher wisdom.
The ego is the inner opponent we must all become aware of so we can overcome it. The ego creates a filter that distorts the way our mind perceives everything. It literally creates spiritual blindness and keeps us stuck in limited thinking and separation consciousness.
The ego places a veil of illusion or a veil of amnesia over our minds keeping us from accessing our higher wisdom and truth. Evil which is "live" spelled backwards is also the "veil" that blocks us from maintaining a strong connection with our Spiritual Self which is our true source of nourishing life force energies.
The more spiritual energies we access ~ through meditation ~ the more refined, neutral and non dualistic our ego becomes. ~Sabrina
Art by Denis Nunez Rodriguez
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